high impact programs for outstanding results
I N I C I O Program
The call for more female leaders has reached a critical juncture. Shockingly, only 10.4% of Fortune 500 companies are currently led by women. In Australia, a mere 14.1% of Board Chair positions were occupied by women in 2019, and regrettably, the number of women in C-Suite positions globally has declined since the onset of COVID.
Research consistently underscores the correlation between higher representation of women on boards and superior organizational performance. Companies fostering greater gender diversity among senior leaders are proven to be significantly more profitable. This 12-month leadership program has been meticulously curated for female leaders and those aspiring to occupy C-suite and Board positions. It is designed to unpack and empower you with the indispensable tools and support network crucial for transformational leadership.
Join an extraordinary cohort of inspiring women on a pragmatic and experiential learning journey, backed by both research and lived experiences. Together, we will unlock your authentic leadership potential.
sales triage program
The Sales Triage Program is your lifeline in this turbulent sea. By choosing this program, you'll equip yourself and your teams with the tools and strategies to achieve greater sales success, even during challenging months.
tailored training programs
Full-day or half-day change essentials
A full-day or half-day tailored training programme that is designed with the employee in mind. All too often change programmes are aimed at leaders, leaders who are time-poor and potentially don’t have the skill to teach and train others Following this day your teams will have a raft of tools that will make them more receptive to and better able to manage change.
Tailor-made programmes
Tell us what you need and we can design a programme that will deliver maximum impact.
Sustainable performance PRogram
Achieve long-term success for you and your team with our sustainable performance program: Dive into dynamic learning experiences and benefit from personalized 1:1 coaching - choose this for immediate and sustained results.
if your organisation’s success hinges on the effectiveness of you and your team, and you find yourself grappling with the relentless burden of making it work speak to blue marbles today.
with their extensive global qualifications and experience in working with senior leadership teams, they can help you thrive.
“It’s not often that I take the time to write recommendations, but in this instance, I feel compelled to do so. I have known Natasha for 3 years now and she is consistently the person in the room who drives the energy and leads the way. I have seen her in team environments, and in front of large crowds facilitating panel discussions with impact and warmth. I first met Natasha when she was nominated to participate in nab’s Thrive talent program for leaders, which my team delivers. From the beginning her openness to learning and curiosity regarding her own potential was impressive. She has high expectations of herself and ultimately, is a good person with high integrity who is passionate about life, people and getting the right results. Whilst driving her own career and success, she is always making time to advocate and support others.
(As a human, you rock, Tash).”